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Join us onThursday 21st November 7-9pm at The Dragon Pub for a night of festive fun.
on the night you will be provided with everything you need to create your very own festive door wreath.
guided by our experienced florists you will construct your very own design for you to take home.
festive laughs, nibbles and a free drink are all included in the price.
so why not grab some friends or come along and meet some new ones while we kick off the festive season with some crafty activities and a bit of festive cheer.
Join us onThursday 21st November 7-9pm at The Dragon Pub for a night of festive fun.
on the night you will be provided with everything you need to create your very own festive door wreath.
guided by our experienced florists you will construct your very own design for you to take home.
festive laughs, nibbles and a free drink are all included in the price.
so why not grab some friends or come along and meet some new ones while we kick off the festive season with some crafty activities and a bit of festive cheer.
942 45.00 Leonora Rose